Sunday, March 24, 2013

Belle of the Ball

I have two regrets from my wedding day. First, I was mean to my mom after she read me a very beautiful letter in front of everyone and it totally caught me off guard (my only true bridezilla moment). Second, my dad and I didn't dance at my reception. In the moment, it seemed like the right choice. There were only 12 people at our wedding and my dad likes to dance about as much as he likes getting a root canal. In hindsight, we could have sucked it up for 3 minutes.
When David put our wedding CD on the other night, I immediately flashed back to that night. At that exact moment, Morgan started jumping around the living room, yelling "It's Frank Sernatza, Dad. Dance with me!" 
And so he did. There were twirls:

There were turns.

And there were dips.

I sat there watching the two of them, wondering whether they will have their own father-daughter dance one day. As I caught David's glance turning her around the living room, the tears in his eyes told me he was thinking the exact same thing.