Now, I can barely keep track: Here are few examples of the words she knows how to say and use-
- People: Mommy, Daddy, Morgan, Nana, Gampa, Gamma, Papa, Chloe, Grace, Leslie, Abby, Rosebud, her friends at school (ALL 15 of them)
- Food: banana, cracker, cheese, water, milk, apple, bean, corn, orange, chip, avocado "abotado"
- Things: car, truck, moon, stars (she can also find these in the sky), wall, painting, tub, name all of her body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, nose, teeth, hands, feet, arm, legs, hair, and belly), shoes, pants, binky, blankie, baby, blocks, bear, cup, button, earring, diaper, table, nap, night-night, jammies, bowl, buckle, socks, shoes, coffee, coat and jacket (yes, she knows the difference), hat, medicine "meh-cine", ouch
- Animals: Puppy, cat, horse, cow, duck, bee, sheep, lamb, donkey, owl (she can also make all of these sounds)
- Commands she can give and understand: hello, hi, bye-bye, bless you "bess", thank you "tant oo", please "peese", more, all done, down, up, wash, running "wunning", jump, hot, movie "moonie", light "yight", broken "bwoken", back (as in put something back), hungry "hungee", outside, and of course, NO!
A few things she can do:
- Brush her hair and teeth (with help)
- feed herself with a spoon, drink out of a straw and cup
- give her baby loves and feed her baby
- wash her hands and hair (again, with help)
- throw and kick a ball
- give kisses and hugs
- identify herself in a mirror and in pictures
The list goes on, and I am sure I have missed lots of her precious little accomplishments.
Morgan Noelle Lorenzo
(1 week, 6 months, 1 year, and 18 months...and yes, she's holding a potato)
My O my how she's grown so fast! Perhaps having fantastic parents plays a part in how smart she is ;) Congrats on such a precious little girl!
This sums up our lives... Precious from the beginning... Precious now.. and Precious forever. You and David did good ;0) You are both excellent Parents. We are proud of you. Love, Mom
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