Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Birthday Trilogy

Who knew that your only child turning three would involve four parties (yeah, you read that right), over 200 photos, and more than three dozen cupcakes?!?!? The events unfolded over seven days and, while exhausting, were such a great reminder of just how much I love our friends and family...and cake, I love cake.

Part One - The Kick Off

We kicked off this birthday ridiculousness a day early with my family:

Proud to say I'm THAT mom...we read the cards before we open gifts!

These two photos represent a rare moment when Morgan liked both of us...at the same time. I'm sure the cupcake bribe had nothing to do with it.

And here we have the ONLY time anyone sang to Morgan and she then blew out candles. Subsequent attempts ended in both panic and fear. More on that later-

Let's just hope your birthday wish didn't include anything with the phrase "some assembly required" -- I still haven't recovered from the kitchen set you got for Christmas.

1 comment:

Patty said...

How can this precious child be 3 years old? Didn't you just have her? Morgan is so smart & loving! Thank you for the mini party since we were not able to be there for the Big One! It was so special for us to see her open her gifts and blow her 3rd Birthday candle out ;0) Thanks again for brunch - we sure needed that & it was so thoughtful. Love you Morgan, Amy & David... of course Chloe