More than anything this year, David wanted a projector for his birthday so we could watch movies on the side of our house. It took months of searching, but we finally found the perfect one...and it's been sitting in a box in our closet since May. Happy effin Birthday, honey.
In reality, we don't need no stinkin' projector. We have our local park, which hosts a family-friendly movie every Friday during the summer. Not only is it outside on a huge inflatable screen, it's F.R.E.E. So last weekend, we packed up our snacks and lawn chairs and headed into town to watch Puss in Boots. Am I the only one who feels a little awkward saying that movie title out loud?
As the sun began to set, people starting showing up like ants at a picnic, or bees on honey, or toddlers on get the idea. We were glad to have a good spot and promptly began enjoying our little family night. The movie was cute, Morgan was well behaved, and none of the teenagers surrounding us were overly annoying. Despite all of this delightfulness, I had several unresolved issues at the end of our little outing:
- Why is it that people are physically unable to put just one piece of popcorn in their mouths at once?
- How exactly do I end up with so many kernels in my bra at the end of every movie?
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