Sunday, January 19, 2014

Open to Interpretation

We were cleaning out some of Morgan's art work, selecting a few pieces to go in her scrapbook. Now that she's five, I am letting her identify drawings or projects that she really likes. When she finished sorting, I noticed a sheet of paper I hadn't seen before. As I gazed at it quizzingly, she said "Oh Mom, we have to save that one!  I drew you a pair of scissors!!"

Of course we do, because that's exactly what I thought it was.


mlisanicole said...

LMAO!! Its totally scissors....who wouldn't know that?!? Love her!

Vicki said...

I MUST meet this girl. I know we will be great buddies! Too cute!
Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Just be thankful that you don't sell shovels for a living at the Home Depot and she drew a picture of you and said that's what she wanted to be when she grows up! :)