As I am sure you know, I am not one to fill my blog with sappy posts about rainbows and sunshine. But today my baby turns three and I am ALL SORTS of reflective. So, a few words to my daughter:
Dear Morgan,
Today you're three. You are wild, you are naughty, and you are wicked smart. You change my life every day. You were a long time in the making; the decision to become a mom was not an easy one for me. I look back now and wonder why I waited. But then I remember -- I was waiting for you.
I see in you all the things I love about your dad - your sense of humor, your fierce love of life, and your uncanny ability to make me laugh. You also have his eyes, warm and genuine. But you're not just Daddy's girl. You have my smile, full of mischief. You're also stubborn and ridiculously independent, two traits I see in myself a little too often.
You are quickly becoming your own presence, finding your place in our family as not just our daughter, but as our friend. Evenings are full of stories about your day, weekends are full of adventures to the woods, and sometimes just to our backyard. You take it all in, relishing in every moment, reminding me to walk a little slower, watch a little closer, and breath a little deeper.
My dearest daughter. You will never know how you have shaped my life. I am thankful every day for you. As you begin this next wonderful year, I will be by your side, watching you grow, falling in love with you all over again.
Happy Birthday, Punkin.

How very very lucky she is to have parents like you...
Happy Birthday, Morgan!!!
To my beautiful niece. Sassy loves you more than words can express. I have been so blessed to be able to watch you grow up into the beautiful, smart and loving little girl you are today.
Thank you for teaching me unconditional love, the true meaning of living life and enjoying the journey everyday!
I love you so very much,
Love Sassy :)
Oh my goodness Morgan ~ Grandma & Papa Love you to the ends of the earth and back! We see so much of your fabulous Mommy in you! How you are able to make everyone smile - laugh - and hold their breath because you are doing something fearless :0) You are so smart, sweet hearted and loving. You melt Papa and I with your sweet kisses and your BiG hugs! You have such a perfect balance of your Daddy & Mommy that help to make up *YOU*! ♥•*HaPpY*♥*BiRtHdAY *•-♥ 3 years old today. Love you sweetheart!!!
What a beautiful blessing you are to such a perfect little family, Love you honey! Great-Aunt Pam
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