Sunday, December 2, 2012

Big Ole Pile

Last week, we finally did the fall clean up in our yard. Our yard was a mess - the grass was too long, leaves were everywhere, and nothing had been pruned for months.
To make this more of a family activity, we handed Morgan a rake and had her help put leaves in a pile. That lasted about three minutes. She was running around using the rake as a spear, which I was sure it was going to result in her losing an eye.  Rather than risk a trip to the ER, I told her I was going to let her do one of the things I had always longed to do.  I don't have any memories of jumping in leaf piles and I thought that would something sweet to let her try. Girlfriend was immediately all in.


At one point, Morgan asked me to cover her in leaves. I was happy to oblige...anything for the sake of a cute picture.
Morgan suddenly shot out of leaves, grimacing.  When I asked her what was wrong, she said "Mom, this pile smells like poop.  Like dog poop.  I think I'm sitting in dog poop."

Unfortunately, she was right. Looks like the neighbor's dog had beaten Morgan to the pile. Nothing like turning a lovely afternoon into yet another childhood trauma.

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