Monday, February 6, 2012

Words To Live By

We didn't make resolutions this year.  I was tired of planning and thought we should just spend this year doing. While discussing this new commitment to not making commitments, Morgan randomly announced she needed to practice wearing her swimming suit (you know, because it's February) --

She then reminded me that fish swim in the ocean and that they make faces that look like this:

Quite pleased with her little observations, Morgan then reminded me that, "When the camera is on you, you do this:" 
By now, the novelty of the picture taking had worn off. We got back to the business of discussing our life plan for the year.  Not wanting to be left out, Morgan asked me what we were talking about. Since I couldn't tie the story back to fish or showing the camera your best side, I broke it down into the terms I thought she was most likely to understand.

So there you have it.  Clean up, pay your bills, and exercise. Words of wisdom from a kid who thinks going swimming in the middle of winter makes perfect sense. Come to think of it, Morgan may be onto something...not everything in life has to be quite so complicated.


Patty said...

Words to live by (from Morgan) :0) This has become my goal for 2012 - very wise! Oh and wearing a swim suit in the middle of winter... perfect! Love you Morgan, Grandma & Papa

Patty said...
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